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4 09, 2024

Deadline extension for the JRS special issue


Deadline for sending commitments to submit a paper for the ICORS2024 special issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy is postponed to September 15th. Accordingly, the new submission deadline is November 15th, see the attached call for papers.

Deadline extension for the JRS special issue2024-09-04T14:33:34+02:00
21 08, 2024

ICORS is seeking for new International Steering Commetee members


Nominations must be submitted to the current ISC chairs by December 1 through national ISC members.Countries without an ISC member can submit nominations through Tullio Scopigno.After receiving the nominations, ISC will vote later this year to decide 3 new ISC members.

ICORS is seeking for new International Steering Commetee members2024-08-21T09:27:27+02:00
5 08, 2024

Attendance Certificate Available for Download


We are glad to inform you that attendance certificates are available for download from Conftool, under the "Your Submissions" menu. If you need an attendance certificate for the Charisma Raman School, please contact the Charisma Team. For any other requests, please reach out to the ICORS2024 secretariat at [...]

Attendance Certificate Available for Download2024-08-05T17:25:05+02:00
24 07, 2024

ICORS Mobile App Available


We are glad to inform you that the ICORS2024 Conference App is now available for your mobile devices and tablets! To install the App, simply search for "Conference4me" in the Play Store, iTunes App Store, or Windows Phone Store, or scan the QR code below. Key features of [...]

ICORS Mobile App Available2024-07-24T13:01:42+02:00
9 07, 2024

Secure your ancient Roman costume for the social dinner!


In addition to a rich scientific program, we are working to offer you a memorable entertainment during the conference events. The Social Dinner will be a defining moment, held in one of the most iconic, historical and archeological areas of the city. Hence, for an ultimate immersive experience, [...]

Secure your ancient Roman costume for the social dinner!2024-07-09T16:45:04+02:00
5 07, 2024

Presentation Guidelines


ORAL CONTRIBUTIONS In an effort to ensure a smooth and speedy transition between speakers, we will utilize a common laptop in each session room. Personal laptops will not be allowed. There are two ways to provide your presentation on the common laptop. You may upload your presentation (pdf [...]

Presentation Guidelines2024-07-26T21:05:24+02:00
3 07, 2024

Detailed Conference Program now available


We are glad to announce that the Detailed Conference Program is now available. ICORS2024 will feature: 8 Plenaries, over 50 Keynotes, 120 Invited, 370 contributed talks distributed in 8 parallel sessions and 220 poster presentations. One Raman School by CHARISMA project (sold out, reserve list available here). One [...]

Detailed Conference Program now available2024-07-03T12:41:00+02:00
10 06, 2024

Social dinner and conference tour are sold out


We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who has registered so far. Your enthusiastic response promises to make this a truly memorable ICORS edition. We are also thrilled to announce that the Social Dinner at Villa Dino and the conference tour are now sold out. However, we [...]

Social dinner and conference tour are sold out2024-06-10T17:44:38+02:00
23 05, 2024

Post deadline call open for submission


We are pleased to announce the opening of a post deadline, hot topics session to assign a few oral slots featuring most recent outstanding results. Submission are open until June 14th, acceptance notifications will be sent by June 22nd. To submit your contribution, please follow the instructions reported here. [...]

Post deadline call open for submission2024-05-23T17:44:55+02:00
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